إمكانية توصيل الأثاث

تم إعداد هذا الدليل المفيد لمساعدتك في تقييم مساحتك الشخصية للقطعة الجديدة من الأثاث التي ترغب في شرائها. في ذي كونران شوب، نسمي هذه العملية "فحص إمكانية التوصيل". ببساطة، يتعلق الأمر بالتأكد من أن العنصر الذي ترغب في شرائه لا يتناسب فقط بشكل مريح مع مساحتك، ولكن يمكن تسليمه بسهولة وأمان أيضًا. يرجى ملاحظة أنه في حالة عدم تمكننا من توصيل العنصر بسبب مشاكل في التوصيل، قد يتم تطبيق رسوم إعادة تخزين وفقًا لشروطنا وأحكامنا الخاصة.
A diagram illustrating the dimensions of a sofa, labeled with height, width, length, and diagonal length measurements.

note the dimensions


Before beginning the Access Check, you will need to note down the length, width, depth, weight, diagonal length and packaged dimensions of the pieces you wish to order. These are all available at conranshop.com on the individual product page. You will need to refer to these throughout the inspection.

An isometric diagram showing a blue couch vertically aligned while being maneuvered through a doorway to demonstrate how to measure for length and doorway height.

measuring the entrance


Measure the width of your doorway at its narrowest point. If the door’s width is larger than that width and or depth of the item being delivered, it’s excellent news, and please move to Step 2B. If not, please proceed to Step 7. 


Next, measure the height of your door frame. If the door’s height is greater than the item being delivered, and your hallway is spacious enough to accommodate some expert manoeuvring, our Delivery Team will be able to work their magic. If not, please move to Step 7.

measuring the path


Measure the width and height of all hallways and internal doors along the intended path to ensure there is ample room to manoeuvre your purchase into its destination. Be sure to take light fixtures, radiators, shelving and handrails into account. If all is well, please jump to Step 8. If fixtures are proving problematic, please move to Step 6. If our team is going to encounter stairways, please proceed to Step 4. If our Delivery Team is going to encounter a lift, please move to Step 5. If the path is too small for the piece to fit, please move to Step 7.

An isometric diagram illustrating how to measure a sofa being carried up a staircase, with red arrows indicating the staircase height and width.

scaling the stairs


If we’ll need to pivot the furniture around a landing, measure the width, depth and height of your landing to check it is larger than the item. Again, please be sure to take light fixtures, radiators, shelving and handrails into account. If the stairs are wider than the item being delivered, wonderful, please move to Step 8. If fixtures are proving problematic, please move to Step 6. If they are no room to pivot, please move to Step 7.

An isometric diagram illustrating how to measure a sofa being carried up a staircase, with red arrows indicating the staircase height and width.

taking the lift?


If our team will need to use a lift to access your home, please measure the height and width of the open elevator door as well as the diagonal height and depth of the lift itself to check it is larger than the piece you are ordering. If that’s the case, brilliant, please move to Step 8. If the lift is too small, please move to Step 7.

removing fittings safely


Light fixtures, radiators, shelving and handrails are necessary in almost every home; however, their prominence can often hinder our team’s progress when delivering your order. Please ensure that all fixtures and fittings are safely removed before our team’s arrival. If you require professional assistance, our Customer Service team will be able to advise.

A diagram showing the measurements required to determine if a piece of furniture can fit through a doorway. The illustration includes a blue sofa and a doorway, with arrows indicating the necessary measurements: height of the furniture, and the width of the doorway.

reconsidering your purchase


Sometimes it may feel like the structures that surround us put a limit on our ambitions. Thankfully, our Customer Service team view the world slightly differently. Please give them a call, or pop into a store, to seek advice on the next step to achieve your goals.

placing your order


Congratulations, the Access Check is complete, and if your measurements are correct, you’re ready to place your order. You can do this quickly and painlessly online, over the phone or in store. We look forward to hearing from you imminently.

Need Help?

If you need help removing your existing furniture to improve access prior to delivery, we are pleased to offer a collection service. If you have any further questions about our Furniture Access Check, please visit our Help Centre.